Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Smile Got You Down? Top Tips For Cosmetic Dentistry!

Sponsored by Cosmetic Dentist Los Angeles You have come to the right place if you have always been curious about teeth whitening, but had questions and did not know where to begin. The tips in this article can help you learn more about whitening your teeth, and how you can most effectively brighten your smile.

If you really want to have a whiter, more dazzling smile, quit smoking now. Smoking stains the teeth and teeth whiteners are not as effective for smokers. The smoke stains may even be too tough for the whitener to fix. A total waste of money. Smoking will continually stain your teeth, undoing the work that the whiteners did.

Purchase a whitening mouthwash. While a whitening mouthwash won't offer instant results, it's an easy way to maintain a brighter shade long-term. This kind of products contain hydrogen peroxide. This ingredient whitens teeth efficiently. Simply swish the mouthwash around in your mouth for about half a minute twice a day then brush your teeth.

Try brushing your teeth with peroxide and baking soda. Both of these ingredients are used in most whitening toothpastes and can be easily found in your home. Make a paste with peroxide and baking soda to make your own at home whitening treatment.

If your teeth have deep stains or you need quick results, think about getting a professional whitening treatment at your dentist's office. Although it's more expensive to have your teeth whitened professionally, the results are usually better and faster than those provided by over-the-counter teeth whitening products.

Strawberry paste has a beneficial effect on teeth whiteness. Get fresh strawberries, mash them up, and apply them to your teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid which will natural whiten your smile. This home whitening trick offers safe and natural results.

Drinking coffee and other staining liquids through a straw is an effective way to keep your teeth whiter. Using a straw reduces the contact time of the liquids on your teeth, reducing the possibility of stains. It forces the liquid to go directly down your throat, avoiding your teeth.

Stay away from wine, cigarettes and coffee. These products contain chemicals that stain your teeth by bonding to them. If you cannot go without these products, brush your teeth right after using them. Some companies offer mini brushes that you can slip onto your finger and use as a substitute toothbrush. This helps if you don't want to carry your toothbrush everywhere. The mini brush is abrasive, which helps to remove staining products from your teeth.

Whitening gels are available to whiten your teeth. You can find these gels at most drug stores, and they cost next to nothing when compared to the price of a professional teeth whitening procedure. Although sometimes if your teeth have bad enough stains, a dentist may be your only option.

The article above gave you some great advice, so you have no excuse for ruining your appearance by not having a perfectly white smile. When you utilize the tips in this article to whiten your teeth, you will feel great about yourself, and your confidence will go through the roof.

For more information simply Google Cosmetic Dentistry.

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